Sandeep Khandalwal (CA)
1315 ViewsExperience: 18 Yrs
Address: New Delhi, Delhi
He is qualified Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ("ICAI") and as a practicing Chartered Accountant, enlightened various medium and large corporates with his advisory and execution services on Income Tax, Foreign Exchange Management (FEMA) and Business Valuation matters. He is also instrumental in advising clients in their entire business cycle from selection of most suitable business model, setting-up business, securing registrations and approvals under various statutes with various authorities including Income Taxa, RBI, DGFT, FSSAI etc.
As a practicing Chartered Accountant, Sandeep has also contributed to various blogs, deliberations and have shared knowledge sharing platforms with various other professionals including Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Advocates and Doctors besides industrial bodies viz. Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Assochem, FICCI, Electronic Goods etc. He also share dias with other professionals on various professional forums including study circles and at virtual meetings on various taxation and FEMA matters.
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